Remembering Gods Promises!

Romans 4:20,21. Abraham never wavered in believing Gods promises, In fact his faith grew stronger and in this he brought glory to God. He was ABSOLUTELY convinced that God was able to do ANYTHING He promised! Now if that doesn't do anything for your faith this morning, then maybe we need to backup for just a moment. Lets see now, what is it that we are maybe not to sure of? We have salvation because Jesus died on the cross and rose again, forgiving us of all our sins. We have healing because of the beatings He endured and by His stripes we were healed! He sent the Holy Spirit to be our teacher our comforter and to be in us, He gave us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, so we could live a victorious life until He comes back for us. So here is my conclusion, Lets not worry, lets stay focused. God is surely in control and He has made every provision (you know Abraham was human just like us, but he claimed Gods promises) it was finished, nothing else needed to be done. How will you respond? you make the choice, it really is up to you. God Bless you today.