Pray and Listen!

'When we pray, we talk to God; but when we read His Word, He talks to us!" What a profound statement. It just about sums up what we need to do and what we can expect. The foundation of our faith depends on prayer and studying Gods Word! If we are to have a relationship with someone, we would have to spend time with that person. It is the same way with our Lord! the only way to know Him, is reading the letters that was written to us. Finding out what He likes and what He doesn't like. Then this will set us on the right path, the other path will lead you to destruction. Remember "sin will take you farther than you want to go, and keep you longer than you want to stay." Gods way will lead us on a path where we can have joy, and peace. Where Gods power is demonstrated and peoples lives are changed. Life is so short, the Bible says like a vapor, we are here and then we are gone. We must have a burning desire in our heart to know God and His ways! Jesus died for us so we could live and live more abundantly. I pray you would spend time reading His word, we are assured He hears us! Then we need to listen, He will tell us what we need to know.