A Mothers Determination!

scan0002 Even now just the word, “polio” brings back many heartbreaking memories for me. You see, my sister and I experienced first hand this disease that plagued many children and adults in the early 1950s. I was five and my sister was three. Within 2 days we were both diagnosed and on our way to the children’s hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. It is strange the memories you have when you are a child. I remember the fear! We had always been protected by our parents and now something was happening to us that they could not control and we did not understand. I remember the other children in the same ward we were in, the crying that took place, and the heartache that touched everyone. All across our nation people lived in fear they would be the next victims. No one knew where “it” was coming from, or how “it” was spreading. So many questions and the doctors did not have the answers to any of them. We were in the hospital for about 6 weeks receiving treatments for the fever, and therapy for our legs that wouldn’t move anymore. Part of the routine was this monster of a machine called an iron lung. We have been asked many times since then how long we were in it, but there is no way of knowing. Our parents have both gone to be with the Lord, and there are many questions that I would like to ask, but that is not possible. I think sometimes, we don’t get interested in things until we get older and then it is too late to find out the facts. However, I have to share with you the faith of our mother! I couldn’t tell you if she believed in healing or not but I know she prayed for us, and how she worked with us all the time after we came home. We were still paralyzed and had to be carried which added to all the other jobs she has. Each day brought hot clothes wrapped around our legs and hours of therapy, moving, stretching and pulling! I know God had to give her strength and patience. I am sure with two little girls to take care of; it was very hard for her. She wasn’t the strongest person having health problems herself as a child. However, I can tell you we both learned to walk again! With the exception of surgery for my sister when she was 11, we did recover. Not ever as strong, but we could walk, and run slow. What a blessing! Some of the other children we knew were not as fortunate. This story is not to discourage and have you think “oh those poor little girls” Thank God we made it! We were also told that if our mother had not been determined and believed that we would walk again, we probably wouldn’t have. Where is our faith to believe when something devastating happens to us? Are we grounded and rooted? I am so thankful for a mother that believed God! If she had been in a fearful state all the time, she would have been powerless to help us. There are so many promises in Gods word that will sustain us in the darkest hours of our lives; of course, this is depending on the fact that we know Gods Word. Then when we do know His word, we need to believe that what He said, He will do for us. Was there a time she was overtaken with fear and questioned God? I am sure she was! I believe it is normal to ask these questions of “why”. It is important for us to have the facts and reason out why these things happen to us, even though there will be times when this is not possible. Of course we never did learn of who we had come in contact with or when. Since then scientist have proven that it was a virus spread much like the flu. The polio vaccine was not available in our community until 1956, after that fewer cases were reported. So many children endured this terrible epidemic, so many mothers turned into nurses, and more importantly prayer warriors. You know, those “knee warriors”, the ones that would not give up, but were filled with a determination and perseverance that came directly from the throne room of Heaven. Each year as Mothers Day approaches, I am reminded how our mother had faith in God, and believed that her children would walk again. A mother, who never felt sorry for us, but always treated us as being normal, do you realize how “crippled” we could have been in other ways? She was wise in her decisions because she had faith. I truly believe God gives mothers a tender heart and a special instruction for her children. I pray you have precious memories of your mother, If you don’t, I am truly sorry! However, if you are a mother, you have an opportunity every day to make a difference in your children’s lives. Pray for them; claim them for the Kingdom of God. Love them and more importantly show them Gods love. You will be blessed, remember God is Faithful when we believe.