Another Day for God to Bless!

Well today was pretty cool, so I didn't get out of the house. I had time to catch up on some things. Also had a call from a precious little lady that was having a hard time. You know we all need to be encouraged, I need that everyday so I make sure I tell everyone I talk to that God is good to us and we have so much to be thankful for. So many things we even take for granted. It is soooo easy to get caught up in this life, but you know I think the enemy of our souls likes it that way. When we get our focus on the things of this world, and take our focus off Christ, he can come to us and hit us with all his tricks. Remember satan is the liar of all liars. Keep your mind and hearts on Jesus and we have all the promises, we just have to claim and stand on the Word. Blessings for the rest of this day, and peace when you sleep!

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