
Habakkuk 3:2 (New Living Translation)
2. I have heard all about you, Lord.
I am filled with awe by your amazing works.
In this time of our deep need,
help us again as you did in years gone by.
And in your anger,
remember your mercy.
I love the little book of Habakkuk! If you have the chance to read it, there is an amazing account of God showing him what was about to happen and why. The love and mercy of God is shown in this shigionoth (The word denotes a lyrical poem composed under strong mental emotion; a song of impassioned imagination accompanied with suitable music; a dithyrambic ode.) “Strong mental emotion” is an indication of how sincere and heartfelt this prayer was as he is singing. I remember years ago, being in church, and hearing the saints of God singing their prayers. Maybe someone would begin in the front, and pretty soon all across the building, there would be the most beautiful song you have ever heard. It always reminded me of angels singing to God. But the point here is it has been “many years”, why do we not have this in church anymore? What has happened that we do not praise God like this, and is it important? Is our praise and worship the same thing? When I need to know something, our pastor is the one that helps explain things. Here is his view on this subject of “shigionoth”, So many people have gotten away from this type of worship, singing in the Holy Spirit was common and a way of expressing praise to God, but pride has entered the church and the fact that it is an “old” thing is not acceptable, therefore it is not sought after. Some people are always searching for “New” ways, something different and so they are not seeking God in this way. Anytime pride enters the Holy Spirit is grieved, and He is unable to move. If you will look at the definition again, this is the hearts deepest cries, emotions that cannot be related any other way except praise. I just believe it would be such a blessing to have the Holy Spirit ministering in a service, where peoples lives are changed and they desire to walk closer to their Father God! I like the “old” ways. My desire is to be a part of this again! If you would, please leave a comment and let me know what you think! Love and Blessings to you!


Slow said...

I never heard of this concept before, as least not by that name. I do recognize it, though, and miss it greatly, too. I believe you nailed it when you refer to pride as the element that stands as a curtain that veils our unbridled reverence and praise. When people become inhibited about showing their love for God or admonish others for doing so, there won't be anymore shigionoth. I recall a young lady relating how she enjoyed conducting a bible study group in a nursing home until the group lost many attending due to the few that would lift their arms high in praise. The charismatic were admonished for being disruptive! My friend was told when these persons were "gotten under control" the others would return to the study group. Hmmmmmmmm That's just sad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oh come LORD Jesus, and fill your church again with people lovesick for you and not concerned with the way they look, what people will think about them! Oh how I miss this type of worship - spirit and truth. I believe God misses it too!

Anonymous said...

So amazing to find your website, by the Lord Leading me of course and He is amazing me each day!

You have the answer here at least for me and I will pass this on to others!

What a truth here!

Thanks for having this website and reaching out to us. The lord made my day and answered a prayer. Amen!

Anonymous said...

Look forward to looking into your web page repeatedly.