Acts 1:9-11 (The Message translation)
9-11. These were his last words. As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in a cloud. They stood there, staring into the empty sky. Suddenly two men appeared—in white robes! They said, "You Galileans!—why do you just stand here looking up at an empty sky? This very Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly—and mysteriously—as he left."
We all know what that word means, don't we? Webster describes the word as "The condition of being in doubt or being unsure of something". Sounds like the way life, for most if not all of us, is right now. No one has any answers, lots of questions, lots of yelling (just watch the news for awhile) and a lot of confusion. Of course we know who works best in confusion, don't we? Anything to undermine God and His principles, and that is what you will hear! So you may be asking, "what are we to do? who do we believe? and where do we turn to? Man and all of his wisdom cannot fix what is wrong, and they certainly cannot give us concrete answers and solutions to all the "uncertainty" in this world. The only thing most folks (non Christians) will tell you is, they are not sure about anything anymore. Remember the American dream? During the time I was growing up, there was nothing we could not accomplish. Hard work and education would take you as far as you wanted to go, and your part of the world would be secure! But something has changed, hasn't it? Do you believe life will ever be the same? I have asked my daughters this question, and they have said the same thing, "no, mom I think life as we have known it, has changed forever". Well, change has to happen! We are living in the last days before Jesus returns and all these things must come to pass. It is like actors preparing for a big production. The stage is set, everyone is in place, the audience is here, and we are just waiting for the curtain to go up. That is how close it is, dear friends! It is that close! So what are we to do in these unsettling times? First we must know the Word of God! This is where our peace in the middle of trying times will come from, and this is how we fight this everyday battle with the enemy of our souls. Hey, I read the last of the Book, I know Who wins! There are many things that are for certain and the following is just a few. We have a new destination called Heaven, Jesus said He would never leave or forsake us! No matter what happens, we are never alone. We can count on Him! Please be certain about one thing, Jesus Christ is the answer, He is in control and He will take care of us and our families if we put Him first! I pray you will be encouraged as you remember who you are in Christ and what He will do for you, if you allow Him to. Thank you for stopping by, I love your comments and I am always anxious to see what God is doing in your world. Be blessed sweet friends!
Please check out Spiritual Sunday, the link follows:
Things are certainly changing all over the world, but what we long to hear more about is how God is also working, revealing Himself to people who were not even seeking God. Just like Saul on the road to Damascus, they are surprised by love.
My friend and I were just talking about this today! There is chaos and uncertainty all around us... but we are standing on solid ground. Our future is secure. That's the good news, and others need to hear it desperately.
things always change....sometimes good changes...sometimes not so good but things never seem to stay the same. I'm grateful He never changes...He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
I anm so glad God is in control. Mankind does not do so well on its own but God will keep his children close and that gives me blessed peace. Thanks Shirley
I certainly agree with everything you said here. When I think about all the chaos that is going on in the world, I'm comforted to know that it has all been foretold and the end will not come until all that has been prophesied happens. And whatever and whenever that is, He is in control and we know the ending and it is very very good.
Great thought provoking post! Thank you for sharing!
Reminds me of the song:
Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand.
But I know who holds the future,
And I know who holds my hand.
I'm thankfor for the one who knows the future and will hold my hand through it.
Hi Shirley,
Thank you for sharing these encouraging words. It is good to know that as I face the uncertainties of life that I am not alone. We have the assurance of God that He will never leave or forsake us; God's word is true.
We may not be able to see into the future, but change will occur; of this we can be most certain. No matter what happens, we can trust that God will lead and guide us safely through it all.
Blessings and peace.
Loved your post and I pray my trust will stay strong.
Hi Shirley, I enjoyed reading your post today. For me the more I can stay in the word, the more peace and contentment I feel and the worries of all the things going on in this mean world seem to bounce off without taking away my serenity. Mollye
Hello Shirley, Yes, Jesus is the answer and the only one. The time is set and all we need do is remain faithful..Much love CM
Very well said. We cannot alter the course of events that must take place for the return of Jesus. What we can be doing is to warn others that that Day is coming. We can be a light in this darkness to lead people to Christ.
We are not long here. Let us use our time wisely for His glory.
Thank you for this post.
Excellent post! Just knowing he is in control makes life better.
God Bless,
I agree with the many good comments you have received for this post, especially my wife's comment (Charlotte) so I will just say, "Amen."
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