Ladies Bible Study!

Joshua 1:8 (New Living Translation)

8. Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Twice a week, I am blessed to be a part of a ladies Bible Study. We are involved in a course called "Caring for People God's Way", it is such a blessing to learn how to help hurting people based on the principles of God. There are a lot of methods that professional people are using, but if the foundation is not grounded and rooted in Jesus Christ then I wonder how much people are really being helped. I am not saying it is all ineffective, but the problems people have in life are spiritual problems. We cannot change who we are, we cannot even change how we think. We must have a heart changed because of Jesus, then our behavior as well as our mind will begin the transformation process. As you can tell I am really passionate about this! I believe the Bible teaches us we are to help and pray for each other. We each are given gifts that will enable the church to reach out to hurting people. What are your gifts? How can you use them to further the Kingdom of God? Just something to think about, and by the way, please pray for our little group. We love the Lord, and we are on a mission!

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