Being Thankful!

Psalm 100:4 (New International Version)

4. Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.

Have you ever just sat down and made a list of things we should be thankful for? In my class tonight, I asked the girls to name all the things they could think of and it was amazing, it sure didn't take long to get started! At first it was things they liked to do, and then we got serious. Of course the main thing I stressed to them was the gift of salvation, and what a sacrifice was made for each one of them. Children are so wonderful! You could see the wonderment in their expressions. Jesus certainly has a special place for them in His heart. It was a lot of fun, and very serious to. Maybe we "big" girls need to sit down every once in awhile and make a list of all the things we are thankful for. I am not sure I have enough paper in my house. God is so good to us! Does this mean we will never have any trouble or heartaches? Of course not. But I can reassure you of one thing, you will never go through anything by yourself! He will never leave us or forsake us and nothing can ever separate us from His love. How so thankful I am, and I am sure you are to, for the goodness and mercy of God. As we begin the countdown to Thanksgiving Day, lets make a list and remember to enter into the presence of God with praise on our lips and a heart full of love for our Wonderful Savior!

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