Jesus is Our Greatest Gift! myspace graphic comments

8-12. There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."
13-14. At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God's praises: Glory to God in the heavenly heights,
Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.

There are so many things to be thankful for this special Christmas Season! First of all is of course Our Savior who was born! It is so sad to see people trying to diminish the greatest event that ever took place. We will stand and be counted that Christ will never be taken out of Christmas at our house. The Bible tells us the Church will stand and the gates of hell will not prevail against it! And, I believe it! I believe Gods Word is truth, you can stake your life on it. The next thing that comes to my mind is family, how thankful we are for our family. Then our friends are so special, our Christian brothers and sisters! Always there praying and lifting each other up to the Lord. So much to be thankful for. You see when Thanksgiving Day is over with, the thanksgiving never stops at our house. We love and appreciate everyone of you, to those we don't know, well, we will one day in heaven. I pray for you each time you read this blog that God would be real in your life, and you would have a desire to follow Him!

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