Update on Sydney

Do you believe in praying for animals? I sure do and this week that is exactly what we are doing. I posted earlier about our little house guest, Sydney. I am happy to report things are going well, Maddy is actually being nice to him, and Bailey just ignores him. He is eating and we have the potty thing worked out, but the big problem, the little guy is terrified! We don't know anything of what happened to him, but it must have been traumatic! I haven't heard him make a sound, and I am still carrying him outside (he doesn't like a leash), but a little progress is bring made, he will sit in Johns lap, and he will come to me when I call him. So we will keep on praying for him. Fear is a terrible thing, whether it is a little dog or me(you won't catch me outside after dark), it is something we have to deal with. 2 Timothy 1:7 states "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline" There are many faith building scriptures that tells exactly how to be delivered from fear. Trusting God and believing His word, will set us free. Since God created this little fella, I am going to continue to pray for him, and when he goes home next Wednesday, I will give you another update. I don't want to lead you to believe we are the same as animals, but I believe God cares about them to!