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John 14:1 (New International Version)

(Jesus Comforts His Disciples) 1."Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God trust also in me.

Stress is a normal part of life and can be positive when it helps us to be creative and productive, but it can also be negative. This is when a person has pressures without relief and relaxation between the issues we face in life. Everyone has problems that has to be dealt with. We can't control what happens in our life, but we can control how we respond to it. Life is hard and bad things do happen to good people. So how do we handle these storms when they come? First of all, how our relationship is with the Lord will determine the course. Second, we must trust God. There is no other place to turn , there is no one that can help us except Him. Whatever is causing you stress, I am praying that God will give you strength and guide you. Look to Him, and stay focused. He will not leave you, His right hand will uphold you.