A Little Background!

 Here is one of the tributes that I have written during my blogging years. John was a very special husband, son, father, grandfather, brother and friend to many who knew and loved him! Enjoy and know that We all were blessed because of him.

Here are a couple pictures of the flowers

I was also honored to design the bride and bridesmaids bouquets! Fall weddings are so beautiful!

Deuteronomy 13:4 (New Living Translation)

4. Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.

I am not sure I have posted much about our family, so I'm thinking this is a good time. We have a very special wedding this coming Sunday, and the reasons (more than one) is the fact that this makes the second grandson to be married and hubby will have performed both ceremonies. Now if you don't find that very interesting, let me tell you why. God called hubby to preach when he was a young man, did he answer the call??? not hardly, not until he was 59 years old! Yes, you read it right! At the age of 59, he finally accepted his calling and began intense studying with the pastor of our little church when we moved to Missouri. This pastor who became his best friend ever encouraged him and helped him in his studying. God of course was ready for him to accelerate in his ministry. That was 4 years ago, he now preaches twice a month at our home church. If the word "amazing" needs to be described, then this is exactly what happened and continues to happen. Now back to the grandson! In March of this year grandson number 1 (who is also a youth pastor) got married and ask papa to do the honors. (by the way, this was the first wedding hubby ever performed) It was truly a beautiful service! Now grandson number 2 is next and the same thing "papa will you marry us?" and of course the answer is Yes! Now don't you just find all that "amazing?" Take it from me, it is!!!!! I have never witnessed any one change like he has. Hubby was a good man in many ways, just not in God's ways. I am so proud in the most humblest of ways to be married to this fella. After all these years to finally see God's plan materialize just brings joy to my heart and thankfulness to my lips. God is good and so faithful! Can you imagine how hard on one hand it would be to step up at the age of 59 and tell God you are ready to fulfill His destiny in your life? What courage it takes, as the old saying goes "it is not for the weak in heart". It does take courage to stand and preach the gospel, not watered down, still saying the "sin" word, telling people that hell is a real place and all done with great humility and the most sincere love for people. This best describes hubby! So we are on our way to visit with my brother, then Sunday will be the big day! Please remember in all this, it is never to late to do what God has called us to do! I believe Moses was 80 when God called him to lead His people out of Egypt! If you think you are to old, to whatever, just remember with God ALL things are possible!
thank you for stopping by, my prayers and blessings are for you and your family. Please stop by Spiritual Sundays and be encouraged in the Lord.(link is on the sidebar)
Have a wonderful weekend!


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Shirley...this is beautiful...that your husband finally answered the call....wow...it's never too late to be what He wants. And what's also neat is the way you feel about your husband...that you're so proud of him. Have a great weekend..and fun at the wedding

Sue said...

Shirley, What a beautiful story. I pray God's continued blessings on you both as you take this journey. Congratulations to your grandson on his wedding this Sunday. What a precious memory to have his grandfather perform the ceremony.
Thank you for sharing this most inspirational story!

Anonymous said...

What a special weekend for your family! I like this reminder that God can call us at any time to serve Him in new ways... we need to listen and be open to the Spirit at work. Much love to you.

Elizabeth Dianne said...

It's never too late--thank God. Beautiful story!

Jocelyn said...

How awesome that your husband answered the call at age 59! What a blessing! Beautiful story.


Debbie said...

A wonderful post! I have enjoyed my visit here via Spiritual Sundays. Blessings!

Donnie said...

Thank you for deciding to share this with us today. I'm sure your grandson will have a beautiful wedding and it is so special the plans God has for us if we would only let Him.

Charlotte said...

What a beautiful post. Don't you love it when God does things in his own timing. What a blessing for your family and for all those who are influenced by you, including those of us "listening" on the internet. I don't need to tell you to enjoy the wedding. I know you will.

Karen said...

Shirley, what a sweet post, and how special for your husband to be able to perform the ceremonies. It makes all the more special. Isn't it amazing when we surrender what God is able to do through us!
Joining you at Spiritual Sundays.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I'm so glad that your husband answered is calling at 59, that is so encouraging.What a blessing for him to marry your grandsons.
God Bless,

Make a Joyful Noise all ye Lands said...

Thank you for sharing such an encouraging post. How special to marry your grandsons. How blessed your family is..

In Christ,