Wednesdays Bible Study Update!

In my devotion time this morning and during Bible Study I was reminded again of how crucial it is to understand "Covenant". A suggestion was made that if we would study 1st and 2nd Timothy and use our name where Paul is talking to this young preacher, we would begin to understand how we are entitled to these promises because of being in Covenant with God! So this is my goal to start this very day, I want all that God has for me and I am sure you do to. Going through this study is a revelation to me! This is the basis for our belief in God, because if we don't believe, then we cannot receive what is rightly ours! When that curtain or veil was torn into, we were given access to God. No more blood sacrifices, only the Blood of Jesus would be required to cover our sins. It was and will always be the only way we can come to God. There are many folks out there telling there are other ways to come to God, hear me when I tell you, that is a bald faced lie. Remember who works best in confusion? Lets not be confused, lets just lay this out plain and simple. It is not hard to understand Gods Word, remember the Holy Spirit is our teacher and he will guide and make a way for revelation. I am just praying and want so bad for you (and me) to be blessed and take hold of all that is ours from our Father God. The best thing about this is He wants it to! Please have a wonderful day, it is really storming here in southern Missouri, so be safe.