Going "Through" and Moving On!

 Psalm 126:4-6 (The Message)
 4-6 And now, God, do it again—
      bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
   So those who planted their crops in despair
      will shout hurrahs at the harvest,
   So those who went off with heavy hearts
      will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

Moving on after a loss, no matter where it falls on life's scale is a huge problem and universal to all of us. We will all experience at some time in our life here on earth a roller coaster ride that will be heartbreaking. How we respond will either he helpful or hurtful and will determine if we really will "move on". And of course no one wants to deal with this until it happens, then we have no choice but to try to figure things out. It is like walking on eggshells! So many decisions have to be made and for me every day, it is asking for wisdom and guidance. I visited with a grief counselor from Hospice this week and he was very concerned not only about the death of my husband, but the fact I am also moving to another city. Grief is very real and we have to go through it, but here again is the key word "through", it is not healthy to stay there and it is not healthy to ignore and try to not deal with it. Now getting back to "through", I explained to him that I was not alone, God would be with me on this journey and I must stay focused. Bless his heart, he said he would be praying for me! lol. I do understand where he was coming from though. I know of a woman that literally went in her house and stayed there for three years! Can't do that! Definitely that approach is not healthy! It is so important to face this life one day at a time! Which is all we really have anyway! One day, one step, not borrowing from tomorrow, but following close to God. I am sure there are some reading this that either knows or will experience these life changes and I just want to encourage  you that you are not alone and you will get "through" this, but you must be aware of the way you choose! The healthy way is just depending on the Lord for your direction and strength. I am praying for each one reading this post and also ask for your prayers. We need to be reminded of His mercy and grace daily!
God bless you as you pass through!


Sherry Southard said...

so true, we are not alone. God directs our every step and every decision. We just have to bend to His will and stay focused. You are a strong person Shirley and I can tell God has you under His umbrella. Love you and will miss seeing you on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

You and John have always been a Blessing each time we had a chance to talk. The place in my Heart you two hold is filled with Love and you two will bring a reminder of Gods Love you gave each time I pass your House.God Bless you Sis will pray for you daily...Sent with Gods Love to you and your Family...Billy Wilder