Lessons from Adversity!

Genesis 50:20 (New Living Translation)
 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.

How do you respond to adversity? What do you do when you are treated unfairly? Usually when we think about the scriptures we think about Job, who is a good example. But there are so many more and Joseph is certainly one to consider. There are so many things going on here that life lessons could be taken from them forever. So for this post, lets zero in on the intent to harm Joseph, the reasons behind the acts that were committed and the outcome. I know that is an awful lot to digest at one time, but I feel it is important to recognize what is happening here. First of all, favoritism from his father caused jealousy and bitterness with the brothers. To the point of trying to dispose of him however they could. Sounds really bad, doesn't it? but what happens when, for whatever reason people try to destroy or make our life miserable with gossip? This is where we have a choice just as Joseph did. Not to have bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts, but to stay focused on Christ. It is very hard, I can tell you from experience!  Unable to understand and not being able to see the outcome can make us feel hurt and confused. Our natural response is to defend ourselves and maybe strike back at them. But this is not God's way! This is not how we are instructed from the Scriptures! So how did Joseph do it? If you get a chance, read the account for yourself and learn. The battle is God's! Joseph honored Him in all that happened to him over a period of several years. We have a perfect example of waiting on God. In the end not only his family but many people were kept from starving to death in a time of horrible drought and famine. Every step of the way, God used all the horrible things for good and He was in control because Joseph trusted Him. So when you or I are being mistreated, trust God and let Him take care of it knowing that He will use it for our good! I have learned our reactions are much more important than our actions. We have time to consider our actions, but those reactions will get us in trouble and unmask what is in our hearts.
Thank you for stopping by! Be blessed and prepared!