God Provides!

Hebrews 8:10 (New Living Translation)

But this is the new covenant I will make
with the people of Israel on that day, says the Lord:
I will put my laws in their minds,
and I will write them on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.

Do you believe God provides for the needs of His people? I have witnessed it in my own life and in the lives of others for many years. Situations that cannot be accounted to anyone except by the Hand of God! People being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and then miracles begin to happen. I have also experienced times when myself or others would refuse because of pride. But what I have also learned that God, of course has to use people as His source and when we are not obedient then no one is blessed. For example a dear friend of mine was aware of a need I had, when she called me to tell me what was laid on their hearts, my first thought was, no, there will be a way. But my next thought was, but THIS is the way! God had provided a way for my need to be met! Thank you Jesus!  If I had refused, there would be no blessing for them or me,  and more importantly for God Himself. Because every good thing comes from Him! He gets all the glory for it is due Him. We are nothing without Him and we can't do anything lasting and meaningful without Him! I am so humbled and so thankful that words are inadequate. So my dear friend, Thank you for being obedient but most of all Thank you and that other special fella for living a life that shows others what true Christianity really is. A life lived devoted to sharing the Gospel. That old saying that we who are Christians, are the only Jesus some people ever see, really is true.
So all this to say, when you feel God laying something on your heart, pray and pursue. Find out if it is truly from Him, and get ready. Whether you are giving or receiving, the domino effect has begun! And remember, since God fed nearly three million Israelites in the wilderness every single day for 40 years, we can be sure and confident that God will provide for us too. He is our God, and we are His people!

Have a wonderful rest of the week! Remember who you are in Christ!
In Him ALL things are possible!