A Day of Rest and Reflection!

Sunday, the Lords Day! A time to concentrate on the goodness of God and all His provisions. A time to not worry about tomorrow or look back with a what if? But just to focus on God. The season is here to discern, the day or the hour, no, we don't know that, but we can be sure Jesus is coming soon! I pray that brings rejoicing to your heart. Our world is frantic with trying to figure out what to do, and yet no one is coming up with the answer. There is only one answer! We know God is in control, there is a plan being worked out. Don 't be discouraged. He tells us to have faith and look to Him, He is the author and finisher of our faith. James 1:12 (new living translation) God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. So remember testing and trial will come (not maybe or if), just ask God what He wants you to learn. Ask for wisdom He will gladly tell us, He won't resent us for asking, but really expect Him to answer. A doubtful mind is unsettled and won't receive anything from God. Go ahead and read the first chapter of James, maybe just read the whole book. You will be blessed. God Bless you this Lords Day! I pray peace and love surround your family!

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