The Narrow Path

Matthew 7:13,14 You can enter God's kingdom only through the narrow gate. the highway to hell is broad and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small and the road is narrow and only a few ever find it.
This narrow path we choose to follow reminds me of a trip to the Grand Canyon that some friends of ours took, ( no you won't find me going, ever). When you climb on that mules back and head down that canyon, you better stay focused, there is no relaxing until you get to the bottom, then you have to think about going back up. This is the same way we need to follow Jesus. We need to count the cost, the trip will be hard, but we will get to our destination. We will have many distractions along the way, fear and worry will come (they don't have to take up residence though) and we will have doubts. But we need to remember who is with us on this journey. He told us it would be hard, we would have trials and tribulations, but we would not be alone, He would be with us every step of the way. So don't worry, have peace and confidence in our Savior. I don't know what you are facing today, but I know you are not alone and His purpose will be accomplished in you! Stand Firm!

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