God Heals Broken Hearts!

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Proverbs 15:13 (New Living Translation)

13. “ A glad heart makes a happy face;
a broken heart crushes the spirit.”

Broken hearts, you can spot them from across the room. People who have been hurt or so disappointed in this life that when you look in their face, you see despair. Their spirits really are crushed, maybe grief has been such a part of life for them, that they just don’t function anymore. There is no way to escape these sorrows of life, these things will come to all of us. So how do we get through, and that is the key, “through” it? Jesus told us He would be with us, He will never leave or forsake us. But we do have to believe He is there for us. As we realize our faith is very fragile when we go through the fire, this is the time to continue to look to Jesus. Also when we see someone that is “going through it”, is the time we need to be there for them, to pray and life them up. Let them know you love and care about them. You know, folks are not mind readers so we have to tell them how we feel. If you see someone that needs encouragement, please reach out to them! By being obedient, and looking to God, remembering that He is the true healer of broken hearts!

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