Refresh Tired Bodies!

Jeremiah 31:25 (The Message)

25. I'll refresh tired bodies;
I'll restore tired souls

Do you ever just get "plum" tired? Yesterday was one of those days for me, just tired in my body, but not in my soul. My bible study is amazing, as I had stated last week, no one that I have heard can open up the Word like Beth Moore. The Book of Esther is being revealed to me in a way that I have never experienced. What means more to me than anything in the Book is how, even when we can't see Gods plan being carried out, He is there with His breath all over it! Wow! revelation time for me! Now back to that tired body, as some of you know my sister and I had polio when we were children, so we both now have some problems with our health. This "tired" body, can only go for so long, and then its time out. I didn't even make it to church last night ( I don't like to miss church), but did enjoy the rest. There are times when I can rest and then there are times when it is not possible. This is when I call upon my Heavenly Father for this rest and strength that can only come from Him. This supernatural rest that gives such peace, nothing can interfere with it. I am praying for you as you read this that God would graciously empower you with His peace and rest, and that you would become strong in His might. Have a Blessed Day! (please pray for me to)

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