Feeling Yukky!

Just an update to let you know I have the flu (urgg) this week, and I am trying to get over it. What began Monday with just feeling yukky, turned out to be the worst flu I have ever had, so needless to say, no blogs were being written. Thank God for such a caring husband that has been doing laundry, dishes and listening to me whining (I hope I didn't do to much). Even though being flat on my back, I thought about all the good things of God! All the blessings and all the provisions! Being so thankful! Yes, even sick there is so much to be thankful for! (not the sick part). The enemy of our souls would love to keep us down and deceive us to believe God doesn't care about us or we wouldn't be sick, but he is a first class liar and the truth is never in him. It is God we listen to, not him. In the great "I Am" is the answers and the peace and the healing! Blessings to you my sweet friends!

1 comment:

Joan Hall said...

Shirley - I pray you feel better soon. I haven't had the flu in several years (and pray that I don't have it anytime soon), but the last time left me feeling utterly drained.

Take care of yourself...lots of rest, liquids, and chicken soup. :)
