
Jesus butterfly

Psalm 51:17 (The Message)

16-17. Going through the motions doesn't please you,
a flawless performance is nothing to you.
I learned God-worship
when my pride was shattered.
Heart-shattered lives ready for love
don't for a moment escape God's notice.

God sees, He hears and He knows this time when we are broken before Him. The time when we are at the end of ourselves! We are looking at all the sin in our lives and we are hopeless! Does this sound familiar? Is this not when we called on Jesus to forgive us and to cleanse us? I remember the pain and reality of seeing me exactly as I was. But we all have to experience this, each one of us has to realize our need for a Savior. We have to realize we can go no farther making these decisions that either hurt us or someone else. This brokenness is truly a transforming event in our life. No, it is never to enjoy someones pain, but in this case it is beautiful because what is about to emerge is a life transformed by our Lord and Savior. A new creature with a new heart and a desire to live for our Heavenly Father. It is an amazing event to watch a person changed just like a beautiful butterfly. Our lives will never again be the same, as this scripture above states "our heart shattered lives are ready for love", Gods love! And don't think for one moment, He does not see us. He is ready then to say "come and let me heal your broken heart! What an amazing God we serve! As the resurrection is still fresh on our minds and hearts, lets continue to pray for those that don't know Him as their Savior, lets be there for them and help them find this Jesus that is truly alive. I pray for you this week (please pray for me to) that we would be aware of the needs our brothers and sisters. God bless you today my special friends!

1 comment:

Beth in NC said...

What a great reminder to keep our eyes open for the needs of those around us. I will lift you up right now.

Love & hugs,