9. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
I was watching someone here while back make a statement that just floored me, she stated that "Jesus was half man and half God"! Well, I knew in my spirit this couldn't be true so I began to do some research, I wanted to know the truth. The first thing I found was Jesus Christ's physical body was 100-percent human, not just part human. Our bodies can die, and so could his. When we die, our physical body dies, but our soul and spirit remain. They are eternal; they never die. The same is true of Jesus Christ. His physical body died, but His inner self is eternal and did not die.Jesus was more than a man. Although he was 100-percent human, he was also 100% God, the Creator of the universe. He is all-powerful. Although evil men killed his physical body, He easily had the power to restore life to His body again. Which is exactly what happened, Jesus walked out of that tomb! He is God with power over life and death! Our bodies will be changed just like His when we physically die. Changed into a glorious body, healthy and strong! There are many scriptures that prove that Jesus was human and divine if you need further proof. In Colossians 2:9, we are told: " For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form." Even in bodily form, even when Jesus was here in the flesh, he was fully God — all that God is. You couldn't tell it by looking at him, but that is what He said, and that is what Paul said. I don't know what you believe, but it was important to me to be absolutely sure of this. It is good to search the scriptures and ask questions. I also believe God wants us to get to know Him. Will we ever understand God's ways? Of course not! His ways are not our ways! But His Truth is liberating and He does give us peace. If you had questions, I hope this has helped. I also pray you have a blessed day!
1 comment:
So true! 100% of each. I probably wouldn't have thought twice about that person's comment -- assuming he/she meant something different. Ha.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Happy Monday!
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