Rescued to Help Another!

2 Corinthians 1:4 (The Message)

3-5. All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.

This scripture in all translations is good, but in the "Message", It is powerful! It seems like just about everyone is experiencing hard times of some sort and we need to know what to do about it. As was with Joseph, it doesn't really matter, God will use it for our good. But, we do have a responsibility even if we are right in the middle of "it" to lift up our brothers and sisters in the Lord especially if we know personally what they are facing. What that also does is to take our eyes off our situation and focus on the promises of God for them. I talked to someone dear to my heart today that to say she was "going through it" would be an understatement! Bless her heart, she has lost three members of her family (the last one, a grandson killed in Afghanistan) in the last few years. It is truly heartbreaking! Her birthday is today and I just wanted to let her know my prayers was with her. As I looked away from my stuff, I also realized I didn't have a clue of the grief and brokenness she was facing. This is one of those face on the floor times, when I just felt totally selfish and humbled. No, it doesn't lessen the pain we are going through and it certainly doesn't make us feel any better to know someone else is going through these fiery trials. It just makes us realize we all need God! We need somehow to keep our focus on Him! Is it easy? Absolutely not. Can it be done? Yes, we just need to exchange the spirit of heaviness for the garment of praise. Yes, even when and especially when we do not "feel" like it. Just start thanking God for defeating death and hell and making it possible for to have eternal life. Another thing when we focus on the bad, the enemy steals our peace. We really can have peace and joy in Christ no matter what is going on. Not being in denial as some say, but seeing with faith. "Seeing things that aren't as though they were" My prayer for you today is to ask God to show you if someone around you needs some encouragement, just a word of hope. You will then be blessed as well as that other child of God! And remember we are not in this alone! We are to pray for each other and share in our heartaches.
Blessings to you today!
Please visit Spirtual Sunday (the link is on the sidebar) You will be blessed by all the testimonies.


Sherry Southard said...

You are so right on Shirley, today my Bible lesson at the nursing center was to reach out to others, especially when we are feeling down and lonely. Helping others and telling them God is there also, certainly lessens both their pain and those they minister too. Bless You for sharing this with us. It is a great reminder. Sherry

Karen said...

Blessed by your post and the song: In Christ Alone! Amen

Renee said...

What an encouraging post. I really like the the spirit of heaviness for the garment of very true! God bless you this weekend..

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirley, Happy Spiritual Sunday!
So glad you joined us again this week. Great post, and I love the music. Bless you, Sis.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful post and song. I am aware of so many carrying heavy burdens. Through blogging, it is a blessing to help each other through the good and the hard times and to lift one another up in prayer.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I often think to myself how so many people are hurting more than I could ever imagine.My prayers are with them.
God Bless,
p.s I love your new blog look it's beautiful.


Your awareness of others hurting is a blessing of sorts. We can't tell by looking at a person that their heart is breaking, but we know that this world has heartache and worries for everyone. That's why we are encouraged to bear one another's burdens and pray for one another. God bless you, Dr. Bobbi

Charlotte said...

I was so blessed by reading this post just now. You are a great encouragement to many people. Thank you for your insight and your sharing.

Gretta said...

Stopping by from Spiritual Sundays and how true that we ALL need God. No matter where each of us are in life, what we are going through, our level of spirituality at the time, etc. we all need the same loving, merciful Father to sustain us day to day.

Musings of A Minister said...

Your words have reached my heart and encouraged me. You are kind and you care! It's so uplifting to know that somebody cares what is happening to others and not just concerned about what is going on in their own life. "Others, yes Lord others, let this my motto be. Help me live for others that I might live like Thee."

Vintagesouthernlife said...

A beautiful selfless post. We all need to pray that we can be a comfort to others.It is so easy to get lost in ourselves.
Blessings, Annette

Veronica Lee said...

I'm inspired by your post. Thanks for sharing.

Have a blessed Sunday!

Ruth said...

so blessed and inspired. thank you!

Donnie said...

Such a hopeful post today. We gain so much from our visits with our Spiritual Sunday friends.