Moving Forward!

There are times when you must trust God, times when all you or anyone else can do is not enough! Have you ever been there? Have you been or are you faced with life coming at you like a fierce storm? If this doesn't apply to you now, it probably will before you exit this old world. I am not trying to be discouraging today, but encouraging that when these times come your way, you will know that God's Word is true and no matter what happens, He is not only with you, but will make a way for escape if you can't bear it! This is exactly what is happening to us now as we are on this journey. Surgery was first on the agenda and it happened yesterday and recovery is in the process now. Do we know what will happen? No, but God does. Will it always be good news? no, but God has the answers. All of the questions we are faced with and the fears we will have from time to time, God knows and understands our frame. After all He is the one who formed us and knew us before the foundations of the world. He is El Shadiah, God Almighty. Is this journey easy? absolutely not, it is reality? oh yes, definitely. But again, God told us  that we would experience things that would hurt our heart and cause us to faint. "But God", this is what we must remember! Every second, "But God". We must stay focused on Him and expect Him to move on our behalf. Thank you for your prayers for John and myself. As always I pray blessings on you as you read this. May you be filled with assurance that God knows what He is doing and that whatever happens to us as Christians that there is a plan behind it.
Be sure and check out Spiritual Sundays, you will be encouraged there to. link follows:


Sherry Southard said...

You are amazing me in your strength at this time. Your faith is building and it is evident God is by your side all the way. Can't wait for my dear friend to get home so that I can give you a big hug and tell you how proud I am of you.

Musings of A Minister said...

Wonderful, faith filled post. Thank you.

Pamela said...

It's wonderful we don't have to move forward without God. Your faith is amazing and such an inspiration to me.

Still praying...

Charlotte said...

Thank you, Shirley, for sharing these encouraging words. They are so true.