Blessings for You!

Isaiah 30:18 (New Living Translation)
Blessings for the Lord’s People

18 So the Lord must wait for you to come to him
so he can show you his love and compassion.
For the Lord is a faithful God.
Blessed are those who wait for his help.

I hope and pray you are doing well in this spiraling economy. We are learning to trust God as never before. You know, when things are going well, we just don’t seem to call on Him as much. I think maybe we have all gotten to comfortable. America has been pretty steady for the past several years, and folks have gotten complacent. The Bible has much to say about money, maybe the reason why, is when we have it, it takes care of our needs and wants. Most of the time security is in the possessions we had. Now that people are losing their jobs and their homes, many are searching and calling on God again. (Maybe this is not all a bad thing) As the scripture above tells us, He waits on us to call on Him for help and with love and compassion He will be faithful to us. I pray that hope springs up in your heart as you meditate on this promise. He says you are blessed if you wait for Him to help you. I also pray that as God is with you in this time of testing, that His peace would fill your heart, and that your faith would be renewed. Just look to Him, He is the only way through this!

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