Cleaning Out the Junk!

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2 Corinthians 7:1 (New Living Translation)

1 Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.

Have you ever made one of those big bold statements like “I am never going to have another garage sale?” Well, I said those very words, but you see I have four daughters, and you never know what is going to happen next. So I got the phone call yesterday, and this weekend is the big sale. Also this is the hottest week we have had so far. So hubby and I worked for about 4 hours cleaning his shop. I think we must have moved everything in there. His statement was “where did all this junk come from?” Of course, I said, “it is not junk”. But I do have to admit, we did have some. Why do we keep so much stuff? It was amazing, it is like it grows or something. But now we are ready, and it is all cleaned. After we finished, I was just sitting there looking at the things that would need to go in the trash, things that was either old or dirty, or things we didn’t need anymore. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could clean out all the junk inside us like that? All the , anger, resentment, pride, unforgiveness, rebellion and impatience just to name a few. All the things that keep us from doing Gods will, things that rob us of His blessings in our life. In the scripture above, it says "to cleanse us from everything that can defile our body and spirit." Thank God there is a way! He has made a way for us. We can achieve holiness! Gods promises are real! Maybe every once in awhile, we all need to do some cleaning. Letting that Light shine deep into our hearts, showing us all the junk, then asking God to help us get rid of it.

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