Much Needed Rest!

This next week my daughters and I will be taking a much needed vacation. To say we are excited is an understatement! Time away from jobs, stress and yes even family members. They all stay so busy! I remember all the running and keeping up with all the activities. Life is busy and hectic and sometimes we just need a time out to regroup. We usually get together every year and celebrate all our birthdays. Distance keeps us from visiting, so we have a big day, this year five days to enjoy. Please remember us in your prayers for a safe journey. Have a wonderful Spiritual Sunday!. (the link is on the sidebar)

Blessings to you!


Charlotte said...

How wonderful you can get away and enjoy your daughters. Have a safe journey my friend.
Blessings and prayers,

Virginia said...

Wishing all of you a wonderful vacation filled with beautiful moments and the love of God.
Joy & Blessings,

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK Real Estate Info for the Sandwich Generation said...

Sounds like a tremendous blessing full of your very special old AND NEW family memories! Have a delightful time together. Don't forget to take LOTS of photos! :)

Anonymous said...

Such a nice photo... you and your girls are beautiful! Happy Spiritual Sunday :)

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

This sounds like heaven! I will keep you and your daughters in my prayers.
God Bless,

Nikki (Sarah) said...

you have a great family. That's so awesome you can all take the time to be together and yes....I will be praying. Have a ton of fun.

Renee said...

What a wonderful and precious gift for all of you to spend time together like this...Wishing you a great time!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
How lovely that you and your grown daughters are able to take a wonderful vacation together. I can't wait to see where you all go. Pictures, pictures. We will be waiting.

I am Country Wings in Phoenix. I stopped by to read the Spiritual Sunday posts as part of the miracle weekend. Please stop by my blog and leave a comment. All comments left on my blog this weekend, Guideposts magazine is donating a $1.00 towards the next miracle makeover. I would like to have enough comments left to earn for a dozen more makeovers that I know are just out there waiting to happen.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful blog home with me this morning.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Lemon Lane Studio said...

It's always so nice to get refresh and just enjoy eachothers company. Have a wonderful time. Patty

Gloria said...

Hi! I am hopping over here from your other "Home Decorating" blog. I just had to say: Boy, do you have 4 beautiful daughters!! The good Lord has really blessed you -- you must be so proud of them.